
Showing posts from October, 2023

All Ears English:Belated Birthday Memories Score Band 9 on IELTS 1.Belated (adj.)  解釋:coming later than expected. 遲來的 例句:They did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise. 他們確實為減少噪音而努力,只不過行動稍為遲了。 2.Freebie(n.) 解釋:something that is given to you without you having to pay for it. 免費品,贈品 例句:The journalists were all given a freebie lunch. 記者們都享用了一頓免費午餐。 3.Anniversary(n.) 解釋:the day on which an important event happened in a previous year. 週年紀念;週年紀念日 例句:We always celebrate our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant. 我們總是去豪華飯店就餐來慶祝我們的結婚紀念日。 4.Bash (V.) 解釋:to hit hard. 猛撞;猛擊 例句:I could hear her bashing away on the computer. 我能聽見她重重地敲擊電腦鍵盤的聲音。 5.Immature (adj.) 解釋:not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age.不成熟的 例句:She's rather immature for her age, don't you think? 她都這麼大了,你不覺得她顯得相當幼稚嗎?


1.Clever (adj.)解釋:聰明的、機靈的。 例句:Judy has never been very clever , but she tries hard.          裘蒂向來不是很聰明,可是她很用功。 2.Authoritative (adj.)解釋:命令式的、權威性的 例句:She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.          她愛發號施令,有時幾乎到了盛氣淩人的地步。 3.Provoke(V.)解釋:激起,引起(尤指負面反應) 例句:he prospect of increased prices has already provoked an outcry.          物價上漲的預測已經引發了強烈抗議。 4.Sentient(adj.)解釋:有知覺力的、有感覺力的 例句:It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly.          通人情的人很難理解一些父母怎麽能如此虐待自己的孩子。 5.fluent(adj.)解釋:(指人說某種語言)流利的 例句:He's a fluent Russian speaker.          他的俄語講得很流利。